Kamloops Trails was started in 2010 and featured 1-2 posts a week for the duration. In the first years it was mostly hiking, then I added paddling, snowshoeing, and nature hikes. I also added new websites in the last 7 years, specializing in some the other activities. Recently, all of my websites were decimated by malware and the task of cleaning everything up would need a developer and lots of money, so I let them all terminate and started a new site. The original was KamloopsTrails.net, then I added KamloopsTrails.ca, and the latest version is KamloopsTrails.com.
I created websites that became content management systems, with guides and resources for hiking, paddling, snowshoeing, nature studies, geography, and then I added content on wildflowers, gardening, books, and more. I have had up to 10 websites and 6 of them were active recently. Now there are two. The core content will still be hiking, kayaking, nature walks, snowshoeing, explorations, and some combinations of these. I will publish one or two posts each week.
Rambleon.ca is a companion site with the same topics, but the posts are in a journal style, and are published daily or shortly after each outing happens. That site also has posts on books, gardening, scheduled outings, Op Eds, and more. There are links on both websites to posts to the other site.
In the past I used a lot of images and it will still have some, but a little restraint keeps the site healthier. I will continue to add maps and access information, where appropriate. The site will evolve over time.
Thanks for visiting the site. I can be reached by email at threefourzerooneatgmailDoTcom (harder for bots to scrape this when written this way.
See you on the trails….